Huub de Beer, ‘From the X1 to the X8’, in: Gerard Alberts and Jan
Friso Groote, editors, Tales of Electrologica. Computers, software
and people, History of Computing (Springer Nature 2022), 41–74
de Beer, Huub, Koeno Gravemeijer, & Michiel van Eijck (2017) ‘A
proposed local instruction theory for teaching instantaneous speed in
grade five’ The Mathematics Enthusiast Vol. 14, No. 1,
de Beer, Huub, Koeno Gravemeijer, & Michiel van Eijck (2015)
‘Discrete and continuous reasoning about change in primary school
classrooms’ ZDM Mathematics Education 47: 981. [html|pdf]
6 2013
de Beer, Huub, Michiel van Eijck, & Koeno Gravemeijer (2013)
‘Differentiaalrekening op de basisschool’, paper presented at the
ORD 2013, Brussel. [html]
7 2011
de Beer, Huub, Michiel van Eijck, & Koeno Gravemeijer (2011)
‘Design Principles for Teaching Primary Calculus’, paper presented at
the 2011 Joint Winter School, Hamburg. [pdf]
de Beer, Huub, Michiel van Eijck, & Koeno Gravemeijer (2011) ‘On
Teaching Primary Calculus: First Step in a Design Research and some
Issues’, paper for round table session at the ICO Fall School 2011,
Eindhoven. [pdf]
de Beer, Huub, Michiel van Eijck, & Koeno Gravemeijer (2011) ‘Het
evalueren van voorkennis van samengestelde variabele grootheden bij
leerlingen uit groep zeven’, poster presented at the ORD 2011, Maastricht. [pdf]
de Beer, Huub (2009—2011): Selection of text books, tests,
presentations, and other educational materials I made and used while I
taught Computer Science and ICT in secondary education (in Dutch only)
8 2010
de Beer, Huub, Michiel van Eijck, & Koeno Gravemeijer (2010)
‘Towards Teaching the Concept of Compound Variable Quantities in
Primary Education’, poster presented at the 2010 Joint Winter School,
Munich. [pdf]
de Beer, Huub (2010) ‘ALGOL 60: the Death of a Programming Language
and the Birth of a Science’, presentation given at the DASK-ALGOL birthday
celebration, Feburary 13, 2010 [pdf]
9 2009
de Beer, Huub (2009) The Characteristics of Pedagogical Content
Knowledge of Teachers Teaching an Introductory Programming Course
(Master’s thesis) Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven School
of Education [html|pdf]
10 2008
Alberts, Gerard & Huub de Beer (2008) ‘De AERA : gedroomde machines
en de praktijk van het rekenwerk aan het Mathematisch Centrum te
Amsterdam’ Studium 1, 101—127 [pdf]
Huub de Beer (2008) ‘Electrologica, Nederlands eerste
computerindustrie’ Informatie 50:10, 30—37 [pdf]
11 2007
de Beer, Huub (2007) ‘ALGOL, more than just ALGOL’, in: L.
Böszörmenyi (Ed.) MEDICHI 2007 – Methodic and Didactic Challenges
of the History of Informatics, 100—111 [html |
12 2006
de Beer, Huub (2006) The History of the ALGOL Effort
(Master’s thesis) Eindhoven University of Technology [html | pdf]
13 2005
van der Aalst, W. & H. de Beer & B. van Dongen (2005) ‘Process
Mining and Verification of Properties: An Approach Based on Temporal
Logic’, in: R.B. Meersman & Z. Tari (Eds.) On the Move to
Meaningful Internet Systems 2005: CoopIS, DOA, and ODBASE 3760,
130—147 [pdf]